Synergy Prosthetics FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

Patient will go through a healing phase.  During this time the wound is managed to promote proper healing and shaping to prepare for the prosthetic socket fitting.

From the initial evaluation to the delivery of the definitive prosthesis takes about 4 weeks as long as the patient is compliant and following healthcare protocols.

Below the kneeprosthetic devices can cost anywhere between $6500 -$35,000.00

Depending on if it is a below the knee prosthetic or above the knee prosthetic the cost can be anywhere between $6500 and $75,000.00.  The componentry a patient is eligible for is based on the patients K-Level and their insurance plan.

Medicare defines K-Levels based on an individual’s potential functional ability.

K1 – The patient has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for transfers or ambulation (walking) on level surfaces at a fixed cadence (speed). This is the typical level of the limited and unlimited household ambulator.

K2 – The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation (walking) on low level environmental barriers such as curbs, stairs, or uneven surfaces.  This is typical of the limited community ambulator.

K3 – The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation (walking) with variable cadence (speed). This is the typical level of the community ambulator who can traverse most environmental barriers and may have vocational, therapeutic, or exercise beyond simple locomotion.

K4 – The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation (walking) that exceeds basic ambulation skills, exhibiting high impact, stress, or energy levels. This is the typical level of prosthetic demands of the child, active adult, or athlete.

Almost every Prosthetic device is covered by insurance, there are very little self-pay prosthetic devices or patients.  Amputations are insurance-based procedures and covered by private insurance payers and Medicare.

After a patient is healed from the amputation surgery they are seen for an initial evaluation and casting.  During this evaluation they are measure for a prosthetic device.  The second visit is a “check socket fitting” appointment where the fit of the socket is checked.  There may be an additional check socket fitting appointment after the first check socket appointment to dial in the fit.  The third or fourth appointment is the delivery of the definitive socket.

Absolutely, as long as your insurance provider works with the company you would like to use it is the patient’s choice to go where they choose.  Patients do not have to accept a physician referral and go to a company not of their choosing.

This all depends on your wound healing correctly.  As long as your wound heals in the expected amount of time which is generally 4 weeks patients can start the process immediately.

A leg immobilizer is generally used during the healing phase to ensure that no contractions occur during healing.  Keeping your limb straight, clean and managing the wound healing correctly is your main focus.

This is all dependent on each person’s motivation level to get through physical therapy and learn how to ambulate with their new prosthetic device.  This could be anywhere from days to months.

The build and delivery time generally should take four weeks based on patient compliancy through the process.

This is dependent on the patient’s level of motivation, strength and health.  The devices and components these days are so intelligent that they help tremendously with gait training and learning to walk on a prosthetic device.

Prosthetic devices are fabricated in a lab where designed componentry is fabricated to your specific shape multiple different steps including CNC carving, Heat injection molding and carbon fiber lamination.

There is such thing as “water” legs however, this is generally a special device.  The majority of prosthetic devices are not to be worn in the water.

Patients can wear their prosthetic device as long as they like.

No, a CPO or Certified Prosthetist Orthotist is not a physician or doctor.  CPO’s are trained and certified ancillary care providers who are trained to build and deliver prosthetic devices for amputees.

The prosthetic device connects to the residual limb via the “socket”.  All of the additional componentry, knees, ankles, feet is fabricated to the socket and aligned specifically for each patient.

Prosthetic devices are categorized for size and weight and amputees of almost any size and weight can be accommodated with a prosthetic device.

Prosthetic devices are made for the purpose of helping an amputee ambulate.  However, they could also be worn to boost an amputee’s confidence, mental and emotional state.

Prosthetic devices have many different functions these days regarding how they work.  There are many different systems such as the pin locking system, the elevated vacuum system, the suction system to name a few.  Patients are fit with a specific system based on their level of ambulation and potential.  Each system has a different look, however for the most part they are all made of plastic, metal and carbon fiber.  They can be made to look like almost anything a patient wants them to look like these days from an actual leg to more of an industrial terminator type look.

Patients may need to use one or both of these assisted devices through their recovery process.

If your prosthesis does not fit right, the prosthetic company you work with should continue to work with you until you are happy with the fit.  Patient compliancy is also a big part of the fit process.  Patients can experience volumetric change if they are not following amputee protocols set by their physician such as diet and or smoking etc….

Yes, prosthetic devices will wear and can break over time.  When this happens amputee’s are eligible for e brand new device or componentry on the device that failed.

The prosthetic device should never hurt a patient.

Learning to ambulate with a prosthetic device can be challenging for some, but the devices are so intelligent these days that they assist with the gait process tremendously and most learn very quickly.

The fit is through the “socket”, this is the part of the prosthetic that attaches to the residual limb.  There are many types of socket systems and design which different patients may take advantage of for certain reasons.  Speaking with you CPO is where the design and build of leg are determined.

Absolutely, there are really no barriers that amputees cannot adapt too.

There is no difference, just the terminology.

This depends on how well they are taken care of and how often they are used.  If taken care of responsibly they can last for many years.

Absolutely, Synergy has a custom prosthetic department where we do nothing but build custom legs and arms. You can view some of our custom prosthetics here.

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