Myoelectric Controlled Systems
Synergy’s approach to Myoelectric Controlled Systems
Upper Extremity Conventional Body Powered Systems
Myoelectric Controlled Systems are considered to be state-of-the-art for the world of modern prosthetics. As the elite form of technology for the upper extremity, a given patient is no longer constricted to a harness during usage. This process is considered the most subtle approach because of the way in which the device effectively serves as a socket that attaches directly to the skin of the patient. Without having to compromise body power, the patient is able to use their brain to trigger residual and muscle movement. In effect, the user is firing the sensors of the muscle within the residual limb. Consequently, this technology is recommended for patients who still have the use of muscle within their residual limb, seeing as this utilization of this device is contingent upon this vital factor.

The Synergy Process
Why is it important to Call Your Prosthetist Immediately for every amputee admitted into your facility?
Important & Relevant Facts
Amputees are often times eligible for a number of services even if their amputation is not the reason they have come into your care. Getting your Prosthetist involved the second an Amputee is admitted into your facility can result in multiple positive benefits for both the patient and your facility.
Amputees can be eligible at any time for a new socket, soft goods (sox and liners), or a complete new full build of leg for a multitude of medical necessity reasons
THIS QUESTION CAN ONLY BE DETERMINED BY A LICENSED AND CERTIFIED PROSTHETIST through a series of CMS regulated tests. Per CMS guidelines no other medical professional is capable of determining candidacy.
These patient care opportunities can generate new billing instances for your facility, which you may not have been aware of and can allow most amputees to become an active part of your physical therapy case load immediately.
Getting our Prosthetist in to see a newly admitted amputee within the first 48 hours of admittance is critical to getting the process started quickly and ensuring the fastest turn around possible, eliminating those frustrating long waits for your prosthetic supplier to deliver services in a timely manor.
Patient Visits
What happens during the Initial Visit From the Patient perspective
Our staff will discuss the following patient objectives:
- Prosthetic Options - What type of prosthetic options are available for the patient.
- Timeline - What can the patient expect regarding the process and when they will receive their prosthesis.
- Patient Goals - Discuss patients motivation, expectations and goals during rehab and beyond.
- Verify Benefits - Our staff will verify patient insurance benefits and get the paperwork process started.
What happens during the Initial Visit From the Patient perspective
Our staff will discuss the following Facility objectives:
- Patient Candidacy - Is your patient a candidate for a new prosthesis or supplies.
- Billing Opportunities - Can your facility benefit from a possible new billing instance.
- Timeline - What can the facility expect regarding the process and when they can add a patient to PT caseload and initiate therapy and billing.